Sunday, February 23, 2020

Nursing skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Nursing skills - Essay Example I chose to discuss this skill as I noted that I was assigned a patient who refused treatment, and I wanted to know what and how I could manage a depressed patient refusing further care. For this critical analysis, I will apply Driscoll’s reflection model. It is a model which asks three main questions: What? So what? and Now, what? (Driscoll, 2007). These questions would help me assess my actions and the justification for these nursing interventions and skills. In accordance with the mandates of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008), the names of the clients and other involved health personnel shall not be used, instead, assumed names would be assigned to these patients in this paper. Mildred was a 36 year old woman who was assigned to me during my clinical placement in the mental health unit. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and often manifested aggressive behaviour during the manic phase of her disease. Bipolar disorder is a mental health issue wherein individuals go back and forth between very good or highly energized moods and depression (Goodwin and Sachs, 2004). The mood swings may in some cases be quick, but for some, it may take up to days or weeks. As discussed by (Goodwin and Sachs, 2004), bipolar patients can sometimes be severely depressed at one time and later on be highly charged, have poor temper control, be reckless, have little need for sleep, and be easily distracted. Their short temper and reckless behaviour can sometimes lead to aggressiveness and anger especially when they do not get what they want (Goodwin and Sachs, 2004). During my placement, my mentor asked me to administer to Mildred her due medications. As soon as I approached Mi ldred with the medications, she was already glaring at me, showing signs of aggression, like she wanted to hit me. She was also shouting for me to get away from her. When approached by other health providers, she also refused to calm down and turned even more

Friday, February 7, 2020

MKTG Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

MKTG - Essay Example The leadership initiatives of the organization have helped promote confidence building and strengthen interpersonal understanding with the group, within the organization. The management also organizes neutral platform for the involved parties where they are able to thrash out their differences. The neutral platform often helps to resolve workplace conflicts. But the most important tool is effective communication. It not only resolves the conflicting interests of the employees but it also helps to inculcate better understanding among the workers. It has also facilitated in creating congenial work environment that motivates others to improve their performance and achieve organization’s goals with more commitment and enthusiasm. But at the same time, I have realized that it is the inherent talent and workplace diplomacy that needs to be used for optimal productivity and performance. Effective communication infuses workplace security and enhances their