Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Internal And External Captivity By Langston Hughes

Internal and External Captivity In Literature, there are certain themes and notions that are either hidden within the text or stated boldly in direct statements. These themes allow them to accomplish a particular feeling within the reader or reveal a message that will be exemplified when realized. There can be a connection made to a reality known by all by each and every theme, whether it be social disconnect from a constant being of isolation or a sense of torment from a deplorable action. And by that idea, society and its literature can alter and shape the viewpoints of the world. Through a lens of conflict between freedom and confinement (something that is in constant tandem), it can serve as an interesting theme within a text. In Langston Hughes’ â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers†, he uses imagery to symbolize the important places on the journey the reader has embarked upon and starts with a basis of freedom from a newborn civilization and goes on to explain the conf inement of an ever-changing society who has lost its way. Contrasting with that society, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† showcases the narrator’s captivity within a room and the mechanics of her mind growing more and more chaotic as her isolation from the outside world (mostly her husband) leads to her insanity. Kate Chopin expresses the many freedoms of an upper-class married woman but shines some light on how she is still restricted through this marriage and by her health in her text â€Å"The

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